Wanna train but you work during the evening?

Are you one of those people that wants to get in shape and learn martial arts but works the 3rd shift so evening classes are out of the question? Or may be not even the 3rd shift but 5-9 in the evening is not a good time for you to get a awesome work out in. Well we have the perfect solution with our morning classes. We know that the work week can be extremely hectic and it can seem that there is no time to learn how to protect yourself, get in shape, or even work toward a black belt, but that is simply NOT true. Our morning brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) classes are the perfect solution. You will get a workout like no other (that is for all levels of fitness), learn Brazilian Jiu-jitsu from champion instructors, and work towards a black belt.  And if you have open schedule or maybe work from home then you really can take advantage of some world class training in the morning and the evening .

NO more excuses, you have so many things you can do, now how  about doing something that will improve your health, fitness, and confidence. Oh and turn you into lean mean butt kicking machine lol. 

Give us call to see how you can take full advantage of you mornings and our free 30 days of training. 410-272-3799

MMA training in the Morning