Sparring With MMA Fighters

Discover how YOU can train with professional MMA fighters, for 30 days FREE!!!!!

The opportunity to get better always presents itself here at TOP FLIGHT MMA because we have a great staff of MMA fighters and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champions. On Tuesday I got to spar with Coach Ron (professional MMA fighter), and the experience was great because I got to use some of the same moves we have been working on in class all month, and got to see how they would play out in real scenarios. Now after I got done Coach Ron gave me constructive criticism to help me get better. He pointed out my strong and weak points in my MMA game, and the areas I need improvement on he spent time explaining how to improve them and get out of those situations. The lessons he taught me were very valuable and will be one of many times he, or any of our other MMA fighters will help me become better. Thanks to TOP FLIGHT MMA my MMA goals are improving every day.

Do you want to train with professional MMA fighters, Do you want to have skills that will last for the rest of your life, and do you want to reach your goals?

Well Click here to TRAIN MMA, or

Call 410-272-3799, and see how YOU can for 30 day FREE, FREE PRIVATE LESSON, FREE T-SHIRTS, and FREE TRAINING VIDEOS!!!