Kickboxing Techniques|Top Flight In Belcamp MD|

[stextbox id=”alert” image=”null”]Learn Kickboxing Techniques That Will Take Your Striking To The Next Level Call Now 410-272-3799 To Test Drive Our Program For 30 Days Free!!!![/stextbox]


One effective technique that is use in kickboxing is the Knees. The knee strike can be done by raising the knee to attack, the main characteristic of using the knee is to be at close-quarter with your opponent, sometimes we can also use the knee to attack your opponent while you are in long range such as flying knee kick. In most cases, to use the knee , you have to try to grab the opponent’s neck, in order to attack.

The way to use  the knee techniques properly in kickboxing is by thrusting it straight upwards. The targets for the knees are the area around the body upwards towards the chin. The knee attack has to be straight, powerful, and sharp.

Here at Top Flight our Kickboxing program prides its self in showing effective strikes like the knee strike. We make sure we drill the basics so every student can understand and be able to use the techniques effectively. So if you are ready to learn professional kickboxing techniques like the knee strike, then Top Flight MMA Kickboxing program is for you!!

Check out this video on how to use the knee strike in Kickboxing

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