Bully Repellent: Last Draw Physical Tactics

We have put together a few our most important physical techniques to repel a bully. Again these move are for when there is a eminent nobullypicbodily danger threat ,your child  can escape being badly hurt or worst.  When your child is confident in the fact that they can take care of themselves, that confidence make easier use the verbal and non verbal bully repellent tactics. Why? Because they will be glowing with confidence and everybody will notice your new and improved kid. Ultimately that is what martial arts training is about, mental and physical self improvement!

Here are your videos and if you have any questions about them or another scenario you want light shed, please do not hesitate to call or email us!

1. Snap Kick To Stop Attack In It’s Tracks
2. Muay Thai Clinch Stop Attack In It’s Tracks
3. Body Lock Clinch To Dominate Position
4. Up Kicks Ultimate Ground Defense
5. Escape From Being Pinned Down