Team Lloyd Irvin Aberdeen Click here and see how easy it is to start BJJ training with the areas best Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) and MMA school in the Harford County, Cecil county, and Baltimore. 410-272-3799 schedule a school visit!
The Troops are getting ready for some big tournaments coming up real soon, one in particular the Battle of the Beach with NAGA organization. For the soldiers that will be competing, practices are strategically HOT, Team Lloyd Irvin style. The joy of training in such a fashion is that you feel the growth in your performance from day to day, and you its confidence booster knowing that all Team Lloyd Irvin champions started of their careers doing the same exact moves, training, and drilling sessions.
Ron Seldon , 44 yr old Pan Am and New York Open BJJ purple champion, takes the class through some super tight armbar defenses. The best defense is to never extend your arms to get armbarred but in the case you get mesmerized by slick set up, Ron showed the BJJ class a very secure defense that 9 times out of ten leads to pass, which 3 points in the bank, free to attack from the top! Check it out[yframe url=’’]