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What goes through the mind of a champion? What makes them different then your average competitor ? I truly believe that a champions mind set is a unique one. Their dedication to mastering their craft is a dedication few are willing to give. When you are sleeping or taking a break their up working trying to get even better. Champions live in a no excuse atmosphere, in order to be the best theirs no room excuses. A champion mind set can block out any distraction that’s going to stop them from reach the ultimate goal. Top Flight team Lloyd Irvin has help create champions in BJJ, MMA And Kickboxing by not only training top level techniques, but having a mind set to succeed and work hard. A Champion mind is constantly looking for a challenge and motivating themselves by asking How Bad Do You Want It!!!![embedplusvideo height=”393″ width=”650″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/-i3g-RvC-iA?fs=1” vars=”ytid=-i3g-RvC-iA&width=650&height=393&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6303″ /]